The impact of Friedrich Overbeck and Tommaso Minardi on art in Gozo: painting and sculpture

Saturday, 19 October 2019, 09:00
An on-site lecture by leading art academic Dr Mark Sagona on particular influences affecting on art in Gozo. Register on [email protected]. The German Friedrich Overbeck and the Italian Tommaso Minardi were the two most influential artists in mid-19th century Rome. Their role as leaders of the Nazarene and Purist movements accounted for their huge popularity which was guaranteed through the many students who visited their studios, those who became their apprentices and collaborators and those who modelled their art after them. Among the international students who forged ties with them and their art, there were those who travelled from Malta, a British colony with its soul in Rome. A long list of Maltese artists, from Giuseppe Hyzler to Giuseppe Bonnici had Overbeck or Minardi as their mentors and carried their influence back to their native island. This on-site lecture will discuss the impact of the ideology of these two artists on painting and sculpture in 19th-century Gozo, the social, economic and religious development of which necessitated the commission of significant works of art.