
The La Stella Philharmonic Society is launching its membership scheme for 2025. Becoming a member of the La Stella Philharmonic Society automatically enlists you as a friend of Teatru Astra and is an important way to formally be part of the Society and the Theatre and also support its mission and initiatives.

As a member you will be entitled to the following privileges and discounts on presentation of your membership card.

  • Benefit from exclusive invitations and complimentary tickets to specific events organised by Teatru Astra and Soċjetà Filarmonika La Stella, includng RockAstra and other concerts organised by the La Stella Band
  • 10% Discount from The Astra restaurant (excluding drinks) during weekdays (January till June)
  • 5% Discount on tickets for the forthcoming live-musical production of Fiddler of the Roof (March 2025)
  • 5% Discount on tickets for the forthcoming lyric opera production of Tosca (October 2025)
  • Have your name on the Guest List of the La Stella Philharmonic Society and Teatru Astra
  • Benefit from special discount schemes when you buy a Life & Motor Insurance policy from Citadel Insurance P.L.C.

The membership is subject to and need to be approved by the Committee of the La Stella Philharmonic Society to be legally valid.

If you feel that this membership doesn't fit your intended contribution, we accept any other forms of donations, whatever the size! Come in contact with us, and become a part in helping us to continue to finance and realize new projects.

Soċji 2025